stem turn

英 [stem tɜːn] 美 [stem tɜːrn]

网络  半制动可以当做是一种滑法


  1. A mouse study found that endurance exercise influenced mesenchymal stem cells to turn into bone rather than into fat cells, leading to more oxygen carrying capacity and better immune function.
  2. A stem cell is one that, when it divides, spins off some offspring that remain as stem cells while others turn into functional tissue.
  3. In the new study, however, researchers were able to take cells from men's testicular tissue, isolate stem cells, and turn them into insulin-secreting islet cells.
  4. Starting at the valve stem you give a quarter turn, and then count three spokes and tighten a quarter turn, and so on around the wheel.
  5. Adult stem cells can regenerate and turn into different types of specialized cells to help the body heal itself.
  6. The implant is created by placing the stem cells into an FDA-approved scaffold that mimics the conditions needed to turn stem cells into fat cells.
  7. The reason embryonic stem cells are valued by scientists is that the cells 'descendants can turn into any other sort of body cell.
  8. Normal adult stem cells and cancer stem cells can both self-renew and undergo a differentiation program that, in turn, gives rise to a high number of differentiated cells.
  9. Screw while having dry absorption capacity, but it must be to prevent the stem turn, so as not to scratch the surface of the work.
  10. After closing a gate valve with sufficient force to develop shutoff, the stem should be backed off slightly ( 1/ 8 to1/ 4 turn) to relieve stem load.
  11. When scientists take stem cells and turn them into specialized cells, they do so by changing the levels of a few transcription factors, he explained.
  12. Human embryonic stem cells can turn into ( differentiate) into any type of cell, including RPE cells.
  13. Researchers are finding new ways to make stem cells and turn them into blood, brain, bone and other tissues.
  14. One of the biggest questions in stem cell biology is how the cloning process manages to turn back the clock of mature cells, resetting them to their embryonic potential.
  15. Scientists are using a new stem cell technique allowing them to turn skin from patients into small pieces of brain.
  16. Scientists do not envision transplanting embryonic stem cells themselves, either the real ones or the new close imitations, because they could turn into tumors inside the body.
  17. Stem cells are generic cells that can turn into specific types of cell such as bone or muscle.
  18. These embryonic stem cells are the pluripotent cells, meaning they can turn into many ( sometimes all) other sorts of cell.
  19. Chemicals and hormones are then added to encourage the stem cells to turn into liver tissue.
  20. Meanwhile, some stem cells from other organs, bone marrow stem cells for example, pass the liver through blood way and some of them turn into hepatocyte lineage cells and converge into the mainstream at different sites as affluents.



  1. a turn made in skiing

      Synonym:    stem